Town of
Lowell, Maine

129 W. Old Main Rd. Lowell, ME 04493


Mailing: PO Box 166 Burlington, ME 04417
Phone: (207) 732-5177
Fax: (207) 732-5687

Hours of Operation:

Tuesday & Thursday 1PM – 5PM
Wednesday 12PM – 4PM

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Welcome to Lowell!

[LOW-ehl] is a town in Penobscot County, incorporated on February 9, 1837 under the exotic name of Huntressville from the former township of T1 R1 NBPP. The current name was established the following year.

First settled in 1819, the area was known as Pages Mills, then Deanfield in honor of two esteemed residents: school teacher Mary C. Dean and Rev. Pindar Field. The final name, according to some, was given for Lowell Hayden, the son of Alpheus Hayden, one of the original settlers.

In 1841 Lowell annexed Pages Mills Plantation and then some land from Passadumkeag in 1842. It conceded some land to Burlington in 1847 to end its boundary changes. In 1856 a tannery was built on Tannery Road in East Lowell. The Grange was organized in 1877.

Lowell has been a high growth town, adding to its population at an average rate of 24% in each census since 1970, even though it is not close to an urban center. There is little development in the western, marshy portion. Lowell village, on the Passadumkeag River, is in the southeast, with East Lowell just a few miles north.

 Attribution: Maine, An Encyclopedia

Lagrange veteran memorial

town news

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2023 Tax Info

2023 Tax Info

Attention Lowell residents: your 2023 Property Tax Commitment is complete. Tax bills and commitment book …

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Self Service Forms

Commonly used forms – download, print and complete

Your Selectboard

and town staff

Brian Moura

First Selecman


Charles Priest

Second Selecman


Kirk Fogg

Third Selectman


Lisa Woodward

Town Clerk, Treasurer & Registrar



Mandi Muncey

Tax Collector & Asst. Town Clerk



Dwight Tilton

Code Enforecment Officer


Julie Stevens

Animal Control



Travis Roy

Tax Assessor



Kerry McIntyre



Josh McNally

EMA Director & Fire Warden


Gordon Champion

Road Commissioner


Lisa Woodward

General Assistance


Nancy Boyer

Health Officer


Boards and Committees

School Committee

Three Year Terms

Beth Lorigan-Superintendent

Lola Garfield: Exp 2025

Peggy Banks: Exp 2027

Bonnie Hill Exp 2027

Planning Board

Five Year Terms

Kerry McIntyre (Chair): Exp 2026

Cyndi Libby: Exp 2026

Lorri Bond: Exp 2029

Harold: Whitten Exp 2029

Cliff Hill: Exp. 2029

Budget Committee

Lori Moura: Exp 2027

Cyndi Libby: 2025

Mike Garfield: Exp 2027


Julie Brown: Exp 2025

Board of Appeals

William James

Susan Priest

where to find us

our address is below, or click on directions